With everything we’re juggling these days, many of us are continually under stress. Between work, finances, kids, spouses, business, religion, politics and our need to be able to take care of ourselves, it’s difficult to find some breathing space. Stress management is however within your power to do.
Here’re a few tricks to try out to help you kick start your day stress-free.
Stress-Free Day Tip 1: Plan ahead
By the end of each day, have a clear idea of what you’re going to be doing the next day. That doesn’t mean everything is going to go as scheduled. What planning ahead does is to give you some direction. That way you’re in a better position to anticipate risks and obstacles so you can better overcome them. You also prioritize better and are able to manage your time more efficiently.
Tip 2: Have a good night’s sleep
There’s no over-emphasizing the benefits of a good night’s sleep. It helps refresh your body and brain, boosts your mood and keeps you refreshed.
Here’re a few things you can do to help you sleep better:
- create a restful sleep area
- develop a relaxing bedtime routine
- learn to constructively vent your frustrations for the day
- reduce your exposure to light
Tip 3: Wake up gently
Sudden movements, sounds or touch could trigger a fight or flight response from your body due to a surge in the release of adrenaline. Your body’s designed that way to protect you from harm by helping you do just that: fight or flee.
Starting your day this way though means you’re most likely going to be set on edge all day. More or less you wake up on the wrong side of your bed!
Instead of your regular sharp alarm tone, try a gentler one. There’re many apps now that have such alarm tones. Also, regulate the amount of light that enters your room by opting for thicker or darker shade curtains. This way, the levels of melatonin will gradually decline and naturally ease your body into awake mode.
Stress-Free Day Tip 4: Keep positive thoughts in mind
Many studies have shown that keeping positive thoughts help relieve stress. You can try focusing on what you’re grateful for, prayer or meditating on positive affirmations or visualizations. Spend a few minutes each morning focusing on such, and putting yourself in the right mental capacity.
Tip 5: Keep devices away
Phones, tablets, laptops, televisions…they’re brewing and overflowing with an overload of information, both good and bad. To ease yourself into a less stressful day, try keeping all devices quiet and away for awhile each morning. This will help your brain relax and ease into the day, without having to process a lot of information too soon.
Got any other tips that help? Go ahead and share them.